Sodera LE: Selecting Devices for Analysis

Once a Sodera LE capture session starts by clicking on Record on the Capture Toolbar, data from all active devices within range or data from wired connections is being captured. To analyze the data using the Frontline software, you select specific devices of interest to include in the analysis.

Select Devices to Analyze

Sodera LE Wireless Devices Pane

In the Wireless Devices pane, place a check in the row of each active device active device icon to be analyzed. Active devices can also be selected while the recording is in process.

Note: Data filtered by the device selection is an “OR” function, not an “AND” function. When selecting device1, device2, device3,... the recorded data filtered into the analyzer is data involving device1 OR device2 OR device3 OR .... However, if in the Options menu, analysis if LE Empty packets is selected an AND function is included. For example: (device2 AND LE Empty packets) OR (device3 AND LE Empty packets).

The following table lists some common data capture and device selection scenarios.

Common Data Capture and Device Selection Scenarios
Scenario Wireless Devices Pane Selection
Analyzing traffic between a slave Device Under Test (DUT) and its master. Select only the slave DUT for analysis
Analyzing all traffic on a piconet Select the Master for analysis

The Sodera LE is now ready to begin protocol- and event-level analysis.